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How to make your personal RED mission more productive
Image by Julian Partridge
* whether in individual or in whole-organisation job transformation, your time is PRICELESS
Having used and developed this control sheet for my own RED mission for some 6 months now, I feel it’s pretty fine now and fit for general release. I introduce it to you here.
If you are on benefits [as I still am - to my dreadful shame] then you will be well familiar with the job-seeking proof you need to output, to prove to the obsessively suspicious ones that you haven’t been in bed all week watching Tricia and the tellytubbies all day, happily munching kilo bars of Cadbury’s and swilling gallons of Iceland’s finest 6x cider, and surfing porn in your 2 hours free library computer time, all shamelessly abusing your £10 daily "jobseeker’s" living allowance…
And if you are being given that marvellously kind and wise ‘extra help’ on Dave’s "Work" Programme (hahahah), then you will no doubt have been aided with [forced to use] a job search record form of some description to prove you’ve flogged every job ad that dares to put its ugly head up over the trenches [flogged by every other 'client' in this excellent 'service' you are now imprisoned by, I might add!]…
And if you were one of the ‘lucky’ ones who was allowed to partake in Dave’s New Enterprise Allowance business start-up coaching scheme [or tax-funded cash trough for fat middlemen to swill in, as I prefer to call it] then you will no doubt have been subjected to some very professional-looking cash flow projection spreadsheets and some fancy-looking executive boilerplate business planning templates to spend all Dave’s coaching fees on, just to help you to fill them all in!… Filling them in with all the fictitious and fanciful wild guesses that you and your ‘coach’ can dream up, just to justify your right to your gruel and water for another 13 weeks or so…
And if you have been unfortunate enough to find yourself on a cardboard mat, then you won’t have been given any self-help tools at all – nothing to help you to map your own way off your soggy cardboard and into Dave’s freshly laundered silken four-poster bed sheets – but all your tax paid ‘helpers’ will have some similar productivity tool up their sleeves to help them to map-out your success course for you [you as their next home-hunting welfare-dependent down-and-out 'client', plucked from Dave's big list of incoming new 'clients'... to "help"].
For every service, public or charitable or profit-making, needs to be productive.
And we too, as self-relaint individuals, we each need to work productively to get ourselves from our own particular life situation-A to our own particular life situation-B, at a reasonable pace.
Trouble is, all these different action centres have tunnel vision and very short-sighted eyeballs. They cannot see that your *whole life* is what you are actually working on. And that you need to be productive on ALL FRONTS to succeed.
And one other thing. If you have been suffering from the stress of your own little life crisis in this regard [as I now freely admit I have been - badly] then you may have been coached by some very wise and kind [no sarcasm here: mine were truly brilliant and decent - and I said so to them all] CBT practitioners? Well then, you will now know that you also have a personal duty to devote a significant amount of your own time to being *happy*… And they too will offer you [yes offer this time, not force feed you with] some productivity tools – work sheets to help you to get back your normal positive routine and to guide your new-found wellbeing.
And if you are working on all fronts – job capture, job creation, house capture, personal strengthening, family strengthening, community strengthening – as I have been and intend to continue to do with every spare personal moment God grants me – then you can imagine how many bloody sheets you have to fill in with all the same or overlapping data in order to keep all your helpers happy [and you in tepid minestrone soup and lard three times a day].
Well your central problem is this. You are just one person – reasonably intelligent and proactive in normal circumstances I hope, for your own sake – and you have to do your best effort for your own whole life interests every day of every week of every year of the entirety of your now long and happy life future [God willing].
So your problem is how to organise and prioritise all the things you need to get done in the limited capacity that you have available.
And, contrary to Dave’s imagination here, you – like Dave – only have a maximum of 168 hours per week to play with. Not 169.
Now even Dave sleeps on the job while he’s drawing taxpayers’ aid for his little public coffer scam [I think he's on a bit more than £10 per day though!?].
And even if you are a "binge drinking, tellytubby obsessed benefit’s scrounging layabout of the worst kind", you are *also* allowed to sleep on your ‘job’ too! Say 7 hrs in every 24. Or 49 hours per week. [for if you don't then Dave is going to have to explain in PM Questions next week how come A&E demand has soared and mental health counselling has tripled due to the sleep deprived hoards he's gone and masterminded in this weak-minded bid of his to Get Britain Working]
And I hear workers in China put in regular 10 or 12 hour work days. And Dave says [rightly, I think] that we have to compete.
OK then! Let’s round up your sleep time and all your other home life effort needs (assuming you have a reasonable share of the Good British family support network, that is! — massive assumption!!) and make that 12 hours in every 24 written-off for these, your real human rights. That leaves 12 hours in every 24 for ‘work’. Or 84 hours per week if my maths don’t fail me.
So your problem restated becomes: What do I do with my 84 hours this coming week, if I am to die happy?
Enter the disgrace of a work capture system Dave calls a jumble of tasty sounding Britain Open for Business tag lines…
For example, that not-so-nice Daily Mail loving benefits-scrounger hating JCP "Advisor" old lady (she was a pension-age female worker the case I’m thinking about) when she presses her search button for your three target job types you willingly "agreed" to to get your £10 per day, and her computer screen comes up with one ‘Lecturer’ job ad which cleverly matches your target #3 ‘Lecturer’ and shows you her screen. And when you scan the description on her screen [for you have insight and she doesn't, and you can see at a glance if you'd fit or not - no need for you to apply for that work provider's person specification pack to assess your chances for this one] you [foolishly] say: No, that’s no good I’m afraid. And she snorts scornfully and says: You didn’t even look at it!, validating yet again her concrete-boots "professional" belief that "people like you" just don’t want to work!!! But you point out, evading the blatant disrespect you are now on the receiving end of [yet again], that this ad is for a lecturing role in Cambridge University as a Greek Classics Professor and I am just a lowly business and computing lecturer – qualified for FE only!!
But she’s not listening.
So what!?
Well here’s what.
If you fail to convince this beacon of job capturing competence, s/he will *demand* you apply regardless of what you think. And when you apply, it will take you hours – or days for professional openings like these. And if you are lucky enough to get into the next round, well then you’d have days and even weeks of effort to go thru the whole process. All to fail at one hurdle or the next. Because – READ MY LIPS: You Are Just Not Qualified!
And so in now complying – for you have no sane choice to do otherwise if you want to stay alive – you have lost lost some 2 hrs to 2 weeks of your precious 84 hours personal working capacity.
And you are absolutely NO FURTHER FORWARD in your real life-improvement chances.
And there’s that other brilliant device to Get Britain Working Dave’s now got in his jobcentreplus process you might have just spotted in my little story there?
That nice lady is *making every person she meets* apply to that same job. There’s no pre-selection going on.
So job ads – the real ones that is – are being spammed with hopeless candidates, all driven by that nice old lady and the thousands more just like her all across the land .
Nice one, Dave!
Oh, and if you should refuse to take her ‘advice’. No big deal!?
You lose up to 3 years of your benefit – the £10 per day minimum the law says you critically need to live on to be classed as a human. I think you’d get less punishment for stealing the Crown Jewels!
[you might guess I am livid about this - I find it really hard not to eff and blind and cuss my way when I write this stuff... But I fear that would get me and you nowhere... But the real angst for me in this is when I imagine ladies like her doing this to my own son: that when I can't cope and when Julian really blows a fuse, BIG TIME.]
So your personal time management problem – regardless of what Dave thinks – boils down to how to prioritise all your life-progression tasks like these [of which you will have thousands to do over time]. And like I said, flogging dead job vacancy horses is only one of the many classes of task that you will have to do. And vacancy ad flogging is very often the least important kind in any 2 jobseeker’s allowance compliance-enforced benefit weeks.
And if you are in the job creation game, as I hope many of my readers now are, then you will have to be working like business clockwork to get your next big business thing off the ground and into a tidy profit before someone more entrepreneurially blessed [in China perhaps] does. And this too is all just tasks and time.
RED tasks and RED time.
So wouldn’t it be great if we could all just have one productivity tool to help us; just one sheet to fill in: one sheet that actually helped – helped YOU, not that just satisfied Dave’s kindly scrutineers and insightful enforcers! [sorry, Advisers and Growth Coaches.]
Well here is the one I now use; continuously.
I am presently working on a toolkit called My EXCITE to drive our overall RED process. And this tool – DWAS – is a Daily / Weekly Activity Sheet; a planing and performance management tool that is part of that set.
This DWAS tool would not be out of place in any work process, on anyone’s work desk – in large organisations or small; in for-profit enterprises or for-charity ones; for lone entrepreneurs wanting a lightweight professional office tool to help them get focused, or for job seekers and their coaches to collaborate over…
Hey! Even Dave could use it!
Julian’s #openREDtools folder
See also:
STOP PRESS: if you are working on your own business start-up whilst claiming JSA from your lovely DWP/JCP scrutineers, and you want to use this tool as your single information tracker for your whole life success journey (including providing a "written record of your search" to said lovely JCP wizards as part of your "agreement" with them)… as a truly smart way to make the best use of your limited time and resources……. Don’t bother.
Don’t waste your vital emotional energy and time. They won’t accept it. The won’t understand it. They won’t respect your intense business invention and start-up steps as valid efforts to seek work [tho the law does!!]. Ironically, under the Tories – the ubermeisters of enterprise and small business!? – they just don’t have a clue how to support little people with a brain to help them get started in business (ie to just get out of their way!)
I’d recommend just doing the basic advertised job vacancy flogging that they demand of you for your £10 per day, and to use their own "Actively Seeking Employment" sheet to hand in to them so they won’t put up a fuss, and report their wanted effort only on that sheet – ie do a minimal extract of the expected simplistic job search and capture steps that they do understand, including logging the required number of your most hopeful vacancy applications, on sign-on morning (but absolutely after a happy bowl of crunchy nut cornflakes) and go use your DWAS to power your real journey to success in secret as part of your own truly effective and properly personalised "Work Programme" [or your "personal strategy for jobs", as I would call it].
[Can you tell: just had another dismal experience at my lovely JCP office yesterday!?... Ho hum!.. life goes on!...]
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