We’re blowing the lid off this totalitarian regime! Once you peel back the layers of child-like wonder, it kind of sucks to be a wizard.
Wizards live in a caste society.
From the upper crust Pureblood, to the bourgeoisie Half-Blood, through the working class Muggle-Born, and on down to the barely acknowledge Half-Breeds, outcast Squibs, beings with near-human intelligence and House Elf slave labor, no amount of skill, charm, or popularity will change how a being is viewed within wizard society. While we see Harry, Ron, and Hermione, their peers see Pureblood (or Half-Blood to the extremists), Pureblood, Muggle-Born.
Via: Warner Bros.
The government controls everything.
The Ministry of Magic would more accurately be called the Ministry of WATCHING ALWAYS WATCHING. From the banks (via bureaucracy in the Goblin Liaison Office) to the schools to law enforcement and journalism, the Ministry controls every aspect of wizarding life in obvious and subtle ways. With no free press or free market, wizards and witches have to trust their benevolent ministry is playing fair.
Via: Warner Bros.
And they appoint officials without public elections.
Who votes in the Minister of Magic? How is the governing body of the wizarding world decided? Why are there no term limits? Is there a bureaucratic sorting hat somewhere? Is the entire legislative body beholden to a sentient piece of ancient headgear? Listen, that's no basis for a system of government!
Via: Warner Bros.
Wizards and witches are actively kept ignorant.
Hogwart's curriculum requires five years of Potions and Herbology but does not offer a single economics, math, science, or civics class, leaving graduates woefully unprepared for most professions not conveniently doled out to them during government-sponsored testing. This keeps the community insular, with no way for young people to escape into Muggle society.
Via: Warner Bros.
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